My mind or rather, our mind is quite an interesting, amusing place. It processes so much for us everyday. It works real hard. So, does it not deserve a break from the usual monotony.? To interpret things and act differently at times? Is it too much to ask for? I mean as long as it's doing its work correctly, does it really matter? I reckon, most of you would say 'no'.
So what's wrong if a not-so-interesting, not-so-bright person is in high spirits for a day? What if a chatty and cheerful somebody is gloomy for once? Mostly, people tend to suppress their feelings when they feel different, maybe because others' reaction to it or maybe just because they think that'd be 'inappropriate'. And trust me when I say it's not the right thing to do. When you feel it, show it. Be free. Don't chain yourself. Don't restrain your mind. Be high on life when you want to and when you don't, it's okay.
Just be yourself and you'll shine!
Alright, I guess you got the message, didn't ya?! The long and short of it is: LIVE A LITTLE, HONEY! BECAUSE YOU ONLY DO IT ONCE! DON'T BE BUSY BOTHERING ABOUT WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY.
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